Types of
Hypnosis Sessions
Higher Self Hypnosis (Spirit-Guided Mentoring and Healing)
Higher Self hypnosis, or what Tracy refers to as "Spirit-Guided Mentoring and Healing", is a therapeutic approach and focuses more on the spiritual side of one's self.
After getting a comprehensive picture of your life, we will explore one of your past lives, then take a look at your "life in between lives" (your life in the spirit realm when you are not incarnated in a body), and then call forth your "higher self" and ask why we were shown that past life, how it may pertain to you in this lifetime, and then delve into a list of questions we devise together to ask your higher self. Your higher self knows everything about you, past, present and future, and gives you real answers and real healing by healing the root cause, not just treating the symptoms.
You can expect healing on all levels -- mentally, emotionally and physically. In addition to your Higher Self, it is not uncommon for psychic surgeons and healing master guides to participate in giving clients "psychic surgery".
You will walk away learning things about yourself that will truly expand your thinking and understanding of not only yourself, but the world around you. You will get tremendous healing, wisdom, insight, answers to all of your questions, and a complete road map for your life on how to get from Point A to Point B.
This is not just hypnosis -- this is about transforming your life like you never before thought possible. If you come with an open mind and a willing heart, your life will never be the same.
A sample of some of the questions people ask under Higher Self Hypnosis:
Why is my marriage so full of conflict?
Why did I choose my parents? What lessons did I want to learn by having them as my parents and have I learned them? If not, what do I need to do to learn them?
She has experienced numerous instances of sexual abuse. Is her body holding onto any of the trauma from the sexual abuse and, if yes, where is that trauma being held in her body, is her body ready to release it now, and if yes, can you gather it all up, send it to Creator’s light and replace it with the energies of safety and security and also with unconditional love and light and tell us what that looks like as you do it?
Am I on the right path for where my soul wanted to be by this time in my life?
Have I always incarnated on the Earth...or other places also?
Why do I have issues with (arthritis, back pain, gastrointestinal issues, foot pain, etc.) and what can I do to heal them/can my higher self heal these issues for me?
Why can't I stop smoking/lose weight/stop drinking?
Why do I have such difficulty with money
Can we channel the energy of Money and ask Money what it would take for me to attract more of it and KEEP more of it?
Can I talk to the energy of herpes/HPV, etc. and ask why it is here visiting me now and what would have to change for it to NOT want to stay in my body any longer
Why is my marriage so full of conflict?
What can I do to improve my professional career
What is the root cause of my anxiety and what can you do now to heal it for me?
What can I do to overcome depression/fatigue, is there a chemical or hormonal imbalance you can heal in me now and tell me what you're doing as you do it?
Why do I feel so "lost"
Why do I feel blocked?
How can I overcome my fear of public speaking/heights/spiders, etc.
How many times have I incarnated on Earth and why did I choose to come here now?
Are there any traumas or healing that I came here to heal now that is left over from a past life and, if yes, what is that and can you heal it for me now, please?
Can you give me a full body upgrade/chakra upgrade/third eye upgrade and how will this affect me?
Do I have a lack belief and, if yes, can you pull that, send it to Creator's light and instead download Creator's
Is there any generational healing that would benefit me and my children and can you do that now
What can I do to have clear communication with my spirit team
Do my guides have any specific messages for me now?
Can my future self give me a specific message that will help me in my life right now?
Can my future self give me a specific message that will help me in my life right now?
What beliefs are currently creating my reality and what could they be so I can live my best life?
What would it take for me to be able to explode in my ability to create the life I want?
What are the top 3 things I can do now that will have the greatest, most beneficial impact in my life?
If I were to ask my body what it wants most from me, what would it tell me?
Does my dad/mom/brother, grandpa, etc who passed away previously have any messages for me?
My son struggles with depression/anxiety/unhealed trauma; can you communicate with his Higher Self and ask what kind of healing it can give him now to help him with this?
My mother was very stressed/abused/I was not wanted when she was pregnant with me; can you go back to the time I was conceived and do a baby-in-the-womb healing on me, wrap me in a bubble of unconditional love and light to shield me from any low frequency emotions or energies she may have been experiencing at that time and tell me how that will benefit me now in my life since that will have been done when I was in utero?
And much, much more! I have pages of amazing questions you can choose from, but when you tell me all about your life, we will dig DEEP into your layers and belief systems to devise a list of questions to ask your higher self that will offer you the most healing.
To see videos of client Higher Self Hypnosis sessions, visit my YouTube Channel or my Patreon Page.
Types of Hypnosis Sessions Offered
OPTION #1: Past Life Regression
Total time: 1-1/2 to 2 hours
Price: $200
OPTION #2: "Express" Higher Self Hypnosis Session
Total time: 3 hours
Price: $389
OPTION #3: Traditional Higher Self Hypnosis Session
Consists of two parts done on two separate days:
Total time: 6 hours over two consecutive days (3 hours each day or evening)
Price: $745
Payment plans are available.
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All of the information shared on my website, taught in my courses, and posted on social media is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualified health professionals with any questions you may have regarding your mental or physical health or any medical condition. Never disregard the advice of a medical professional or delay in seeking it because of something you learn from me or read on my website or hear on any of my social media posts/channels. If you choose to rely on any information that I provide, you do so solely at your own risk.